Use of the alkus® solid plastic panel at the ABMC Visitor Centre Margraten
The ABMC Visitor Centre is located in Margraten within the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial. Kaan Architecten designed this building “to host interpretative exhibits which will enhance the understanding of the site’s history and complement it in both style and dignity (KaanArchitecten, 2022).” Furthermore “The abstract cubic volume of the building is suspended above the landscape, its sculptural shape creating a subtle tension with the natural environment. The panoramic curtain (glazing façade) wraps around the building eventually revealing the interior of the building in its full height and becoming an essential aspect of the exhibition experience. (KaanArchitecten, 2022)”
The new Visitor Centre had a set of special requirements like having the exposed concrete walls without showing any gaps or anchor tie holes. Such requirements on large surfaces can be realized by using facing panels that are attached on a standard formwork system. Especially, the alkus® solid plastic panels are very well suited to fulfil the mentioned requirements. Additionally, the concrete was poured in 30cm high rings in order to achieve “waves”, flowing around the perimeter of the wall and fascia (glazing façade).
alkus AG is well known of being able to produce solid plastic panels for the formwork industry that can be repaired and maintained by using the same material, namely polypropylene. Furthermore, smaller panels can be welded together without having tracks shown on the concrete surface. Scratches, gaps or even screws that hold the panels on the formwork system can be closed without showing tracks later in the concrete surface. Exactly this kind of surface was required by the architects and with support of alkus AG this was delivered directly on side.
KaanArchitecten. (2022). From retrieved